
Current news

With globalization, companies that want to develop are forced to develop their international business. But language barriers, tax, social, customs and administrative rules are all obstacles and dangers that can put your business in peril. In Europe, opening borders, even if it has facilitated trade, does not mean that you can have activities with a country other than your own without meeting a certain number of obligations.

Since 2002, Fiscanord has been your answer in all these areas in more than 70 countries around the world. Fiscanord accompanies you throughout your activity by advising you in the best of your interests.

Do your job, we take care of the rest

VAT Refund

You incurred expenses related to your professional activity in one or more other European or third states. Whether or not you are registered for VAT in these countries, you usually have the right to obtain a refund of VAT on these expenses. Fiscanord is responsible for filing your applications and managing your file until it is concluded while ensuring that your file complies with the legislation in force.

Fiscanord also informs you of changes in legislation and behaves as an active intermediary in the management of your current file and your future files.

For information

Fiscal Representative

Your company is established in a third country and you carry out operations with one or more European countries. So you need a tax representative in this country or these countries.

Fiscanord takes care of all the tax, customs and possibly social formalities related to your activity. Fiscanord assures you of the good application of the rules in force and accompanies you in an active way in your business while advising you in the best of your interests.

For information

Mandataire Social en France

Vous êtes une entreprise établie hors de France mais vous y réalisez des opérations au cours desquelles vos salariés et vous mêmes intervenez physiquement sur le sol français .

Le Code de la Sécurité Sociale et le Code du Travail vous imposent des règles à respecter et des déclarations à déposer. Vos salariés peuvent même être soumis au paiement des cotisations sociales et à l’établissement de fiches de paie en France. Fiscanord se charge de toutes les formalités obligatoires et vous informe de la bonne application des règles européennes.

Fiscanord se charge de toutes ces démarches et gère toutes les relations avec les institutions françaises. Enfin, si vous avez des questions sur le régime d’impôt sur le revenu ou sur le régime de sécurité sociale applicables liés à une activité totalement ou partiellement réalisée en France, contactez nous. Nous vous apporterons la réponse à vos interrogations.

For information

Tax Agent

You are established in Europe and your commercial activity concerns other countries than yours. You realize there remote sales, deliveries with assembly, deliveries of goods, services of services ... The obligations to be respected can be numerous:

  • VAT registration,
  • VAT returns,
  • collection of VAT,
  • VAT refund,
  • reverse charge of VAT,
  • customs declarations of the goods or services you sell

Fiscanord takes care of all the tax, social and customs formalities related to your activity

Contact us to be sure to apply the correct taxation, to file all mandatory declarations and benefit from regularly updated tax information.

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Opening hours

Monday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Tuesday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Wednesday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Thursday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Friday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Saturday from 09:00 to 19:00,
Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00.

Contact information


74 rue de l'Epinette - 62840 Laventie
06 18 56 08 40
ou au 06 50 27 16 16